As it has been stated over and over I have been a craftsman for a better part of the last 25+ years.
The first ten in a nutshell include learning the trade from my father in Pennsylvania, a stint in Phoenix doing repairs for a small chain store, a quick jaunt to Santa Monica allowing me to get my G.I.A. certificate and then a trip back home for a bit.
In 1999 I decided it was time to sally forth once more and by the year 2000 found myself camping in Asheville wondering which end was up.
It took me a year but finally opened a small retail store and built a nice local following doing custom work, repairs and selling my goods.
In 2010 I moved my location to the heart of downtown Asheville and continue to spend my days making, repairing and designing jewelry.
I do all my jewelry work in the lower level (basement) of my gallery and am, for the most part, a one man show.
The designs you are seeing on Etsy are an attempt at a cleaner, simpler style that is affordable, durable and pretty.
I can only hope you find this to be the case.
I am excited to see where Etsy might take me. I have always grown as an artist through my customers. Their wants and needs have driven me towards new styles, techniques and in the end new looks.
If history holds true I have just opened myself up to a world of customers and new ideas.
I cannot wait to see what comes of it!